1. "One of ..."
One of the missing farmers has been found.
The singular verb has agrees with one, not farmers, as one may like to assume. Let me try and expatiate on why the verb will not agree with farmers or be determined by farmers in the examples above.
The reason is because the expression "...of the missing farmers..." is merely defining 'one'. In other words, the expression provides additional information about 'one'. This additional information can be put in brackets thus:
One (of the missing farmers) has been found.
It could also have been ...
One (of the teachers) has been found.
One (of the candidates) has been employed.
Consider this example:
A Tale of Two Cities is one of the novels to be read this semester.
2. "Two of ..."
It has been mentioned above that in the examples provided above, the verb will agree with one. For example:
One of the missing farmers has been found.
The same principle applies to two also. In other words, the verb will agree with two in the example
Two of the missing farmers have been found.
Please note that what determined the plural verb have is Two, not farmers!
3. "More than half of ..."
Use a plural verb with the expression, More than half of.
More than half of the missing farmers have been found.
4. "A number of ..."
Use a plural verb with the expression, A number of.
A number of the cars are brand new.
A number of ladies dislike short men.
5. "The number of ..."
Use a singular verb with the expression, The number of.
The number of those affected with the corona virus has been on the decrease.
The number of accidents on Nigerian roads shows there has been little or no violation of traffic laws.
6. "Many a ..."
Use a singular verb with the expression, Many a.
Many a student does not like mathematics.
7. "Each of ..."
Use a singular verb with the expression, Each of.
Each of the students was awarded a prize.
8. "Most/Many of ..."
Use a plural verb with the expression, Most/Many of.
Most of the parents were rather impatient.
To be continued.
Practice Exercise
1. A number of students ...... the opportunity to re-register.
A. is
B. has
C. have
D. do
2. One of the pupils ...... able to answer the questions correctly.
A. was
B. were
C. are
D. can
3. Many a man ...... done without milk in ...... tea these days.
A. has/his
B. have/their
C. had/their
D. had/his
4. The number of students attending that private school ...... drastically in months.
A. has reduce
B. have reduced
C. had reduce
D. has reduced
5. One of the ...... selective marking of errors.
A. school of thought suggests
B. schools of thought suggest
C. school of thoughts suggested
D. schools of thought suggests
6. Each of the candidates that came late ...... to complete ......
A. have/this form
B. are having/these forms
C. have/these forms
D. has/this form
The blogger, Olabanji O. Odurombi, can be contacted on 08037699294 (WhatsApp/Voice Call). The blogger can also be contacted for nationwide distribution of his books A Text of English Sounds and English Simplified!